The training movies below are animated tutorials that demonstrate Living Cookbook's major features.

The movies require Macromedia's Flash player.

If you experience problems viewing these movies, try our viewing tips.


Welcome to Living Cookbook

View the welcome video


Introduction to Living Cookbook

Navigation basics

Introduction to searches

Use favorites to flag your recipes

Customize the application layout

Customize application views

Use display options to customize fonts, colors and sizes


Recipe Management

Living Cookbook's exceptional recipe management tools and powerful database technology let you manage thousands of recipes in a single collection.

View recipes

Add a simple recipe

Add a more complex recipe

Powerful searches

Copy recipes from any web site

Scale a recipe

Convert recipe units

Recipe reviews

Import recipes

Export recipes

E-mail recipes

Customize recipe layout

Customize recipe fonts and formatting

View menus



Living Cookbooks's powerful nutrition calculator can calculate the nutrition of any recipe. Nutrition for menus and meals can be calculated in the same way.

Ingredient nutrition

Recipe nutrition

Menu nutrition

Meal nutrition


Meal Planning

You can plan any meal with Living Cookbook. Calculate the nutrition and cost for a meal, or even the entire day. The full-featured meal planning calendar lets you view your plan using day, week and month views.

View the meal planning calendar

Plan a meal

Add a recipe to a meal plan



Living Cookbook's ingredient database includes more than 6,000 ingredients. Each ingredient has detailed nutrition information from the USDA nutrient database.

View ingredients

Add your own ingredients

Search for ingredients


Cooking Reference Library

Learn how to debone a chicken or make pie dough. Living Cookbook's library of cooking techniques might teach you something new. The reference library also includes a glossary of cooking terms.

View a cooking technique

View a glossary item

Add your own cooking techniques

Add your own glossary items



Living Cookbook lets you create shopping lists with just a few clicks of the mouse. Add entire recipes or individual ingredients. Ingredients that you have on hand can be automatically removed from the shopping list.

View a grocery list

Create a grocery list

Add a recipe to a grocery list

Manage your pantry


Cookbook Publishing

Create a cookbook ready for publication in Microsoft Word format, complete with title page, table of contents, chapters, and an index. Living Cookbook will even index your publication for you!

Create your own cookbook

Print 4"x6" recipe cards

Print 3"x5" recipe cards



Living Cookbook has many features and tools that make managing a recipe database easier.

Database backup

Unit converter

Web site database

Display options


Advanced Topics

Advanced searches

Introduction to filters

Create your own display option themes

Backup your database

Restore your database from a backup file

Compact the database


Viewing Tips

Install Flash - Install Flash, the standard for web animation to view the Guided Tours.

Web browser - View guided tours with a web browser such as Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, Netscape Navigator 4.06, or Netscape Navigator 6.0 or later.

Controls - Guided tours play automatically, or can be controlled with "Play," "Pause," and other buttons located at the bottom of the tour.

Internet connection - Use a minimum 56 Kbps modem, ISDN or cable Internet connection.

Download guided tours - Right-click on any guided tour link and select Save Target As if you want to download the guided tour to your PC.

Operating system - Use Windows, Linux, Macintosh, Sun Solaris, or Web TV to view guided tours.

Monitor resolution - Use a minimum monitor resolution of 1024x768 pixels.

Popup blockers - The movies open in a single popup window. If you use popup blocker software, you may have to adjust the popup blocker settings in order to view the movies.


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